As deep as the blue
8 artworks

"Em 'As deep as the Blue', minha jornada artística se desdobra em uma série de telas, cada uma uma exploração meticulosa de cor e emoção. Executadas principalmente em acrílico sobre tela, minha abordagem técnica envolve um cuidadoso jogo de técnicas para transmitir uma profundidade conceitual. A paleta de cores é deliberadamente centrada em tons matizados de azul, desafiando expectativas convencionais. Através da aplicação de técnicas como esmalte, impasto e sgraffito, construo uma narrativa vi

In collections around the world
40 artworks

Original works that have been sold and are part of private collections all over the world.

12 artworks

Bem-vindo ao envolvente universo da série Synapse de Luís – uma odisseia artística que navega pelos sinapses entre o céu e a terra. Porque 'Synapse'? Este termo simboliza a relação intrínseca entre o artista, os seus pensamentos, sentimentos e a concretização de cada obra – uma ponte que liga os reinos imaginativos da fantasia (Céu) ao mundo tangível da criação (Terra). Estas sinapses ganham vida na dinâmica da tinta, oscilando entre pinceladas silenciosas e calculadas e explosões de expressão

Deep stories
9 artworks

In this series the artist addresses various themes such as metaphysics, religion and philosophy, deeper and more serious topics. Who are we and where are we going? How many are the doubts? How deep are the stories that hold us and stop us? We have to look inside and contemplate, to bring to light what is hidden, to allow the power of the human psyche, to give it expression, freedom...

All of me
15 artworks

In this series, Luís gathers some paintings where the figure and the very colorful gestural expression are the central focus. Beyond the pictorial images, sometimes neo-expressionist or perhaps even avant-garde, the artist tries to transport us to themes that deserve an in-depth analysis of the daily life of modern societies, as well as suggesting a personal reflection on topics such as the search for success or women's rights. It is also a desire to spread the message about the most diverse cur

Nature and me
2 artworks

Zigzagging between synapses Luís likes to express his deep connection with nature, especially with the beings that live there. These works arise from an explosion of inspiration, and where does this inspiration come from? Well, from the most varied places, from long walks and simple observation of the flora and fauna, the beings that inhabit this planet of ours, and all the beauty that exists around us, a source of food for the soul of an artist. And everything is distilled into beautiful canvas

Tales and dreams
3 artworks

In this series are works in oil pastel on heavyweight paper in a surrealistic and fantastical style, which freely express the artist's interpretation of tales and dreams, and stories that sustain and hold us and that repeat themselves as behavioral matrices and come from the unconscious through creative processes such as art and dreaming.

Message in a bottle
10 artworks

These are hidden messages in mysterious works of abstract art, the abstract, which is said to be without representation, has among its characteristics one of its own, that of being a time machine, since it transports something that was expressed in a certain moment to a later moment, or so the artist wishes it to be. The title of the series "message in the bottle" is an allegory to this fact. In this series the works are very colorful and intuitive and seek to reach the heart of those who observ

The non-serial
1 artwork

Collection of semi-abstract works with some figurative representativeness. Executed in different periods and with varied themes.

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